On 12/05/12 13:02, Philip Barnes wrote:

> They do vary between highway authorities, but well worth getting some
> photos of samples. The one thing waymarks have in common, and I can only
> claim knowledge of England and Wales here is that a public footpath has
> yellow arrows, public bridleways have blue arrows and the hardest to
> find of all are red arrows, used on B.O.T.A.Ts.

Not a waymarker, but the signposts are fairly rare too; "Public Byway"
or just "Byway" is the normal wording:


and I don't think we could expect the waymarkers to say any more.

Predictably enough, the thin little road the one above points at is
blocked off at one end for larger vehicles:


To complicate matters further, that's a No Motor Vehicles sign under the
graffiti which presumably reflects a TRO filed somewhere in the bowels
of the local town hall. It's only applicable to the plugged end. A sign
on the far end warns of there being no sane turning places.

So it's not open to all traffic at all, and the sign doesn't call it
"open to all traffic", but it should be tagged
designation=byway_open_to_all_traffic anyway :D

Andrew Chadwick

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