As previously announced [1], we've been working with Andy Allan and the DfT's contractors to open up the cycling data that the DfT have collected (via manual surveys on bikes) over recent years.

This data for each area is now available, converted, and ready for easy merging in with a new Potlatch2 tool Andy has written. The DfT is very keen to see the data more widely used, by OSM.

It has these attributes, and the CycleStreets router [2] now supports them:

- Surface quality (surface=)
- Local Cycle Network signage (lcn=)
- Lots of missing paths not yet in OSM
- Cycle lane/path widths (width/est_width=)
- Barriers of various kinds (barrier=)
- Traffic calming (traffic_calming=)
- Lighting (lit=)

The LCN tags, surface tags, and missing paths, will particularly help the routing quality, as Shaun/Gregory who see user feedback will attest!

The wiki URL above has a link to each area, and there's a screencast on Andy's merging tool:

I've so far merged in almost half the Cambridge data in under half a day. We'd love to see a local 'cheerleader' for each area. Could you sign up on the Wiki for that?

Further work we're doing in support of this project is:

- Writing articles for CTC, LCC and other cycling groups about getting involved in OpenStreetMap surveying more generally, and hopefully then helping with this merging project.

- Creating a resource for local Councils to inform them about OSM data, the merging tool, and how it will improve cycle journey planning.

- Getting our feedback system map-enabled (it's purely tabular at the moment!) and opened up so that the effect of merging in this data is clearer. We can't directly use MapDust as bugs need triaging first to avoid MapDust getting engine-related spam or having personal data in.

- Getting the P2 customisations into our local copy on the CycleStreets website and making the existence of the data clearer in various ways.

- Hoping to get some visualisations done of merged coverage.

- Screencasts and other documentation.

- Any usability improvements in response to feedback on the tool.

[1] Talk-gb discussions, which provided useful feedback, now incorporated:


Martin,                     **  CycleStreets - For Cyclists, By Cyclists
Developer, CycleStreets     **

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