On Fri, 13 Jul 2012, ASnail Snail wrote:

Where I work in Bristol, there are quite a lot of cycle lanes not referenced on 
the Sustrans/Google map and not in
OSM.  So, I added some in last night following the suggestions on the
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cycleway page.  So far so good.  What is the 
best way to check the changes are
working correctly?  Normally I just view the standard OSM map about half an 
hour after I upload the changes and I can
see new paths or roads etc, but something as subtle as a bike lane that goes in 
the opposite way along an existing one
way road isn't shown.  Will the cycle map when it next gets updated (which I 
gather can be a while) show the
changes?  Are there other ways other than the cycle map and viewing the 
attributes of the road to view the changes?

CycleStreets updates from OSM data every few days. The last import is dated Wed, 11 Jul 2012. (We're a little delayed at the moment due to holidays, testing some international stuff, and because of caution in relation to the redaction.)

We've added quite a bit of support for more advanced routing attributes, so hopefully our engine will be a good testing-ground:

I'd strongly encourage you to get involved in the England Cycling Data project if you can:
as things brings quite a bit of cycling infrastructure into OSM if people can spend a little time merging their city.

Just follow this link and click on the first button to enter editing for Bristol:

Martin,                     **  CycleStreets - For Cyclists, By Cyclists
Developer, CycleStreets     **  http://www.cyclestreets.net/
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