On 13 September 2012 02:16, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com> wrote:
> Hi
> FYI a 6 digit code with no space gives a  'TypeError at
> /landregistry/search/ 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable' error.

I've now 'fixed' that. Unfortunately, I don't have a way at the moment
to allow you to search for postcodes without the space since it's just
doing a SELECT in the SQL.I can have a think about how best to manage
this though.

> If I search my code (with a space) it finds it, but if I search by street
> name it only finds ones State side. Is this a nominatim problem?

Could you be more explicit in the steps you took? My postcode finder
doesn't use Nominatim inside at all. However, occasionally, when it
can't find anything using its internal database, it will offer you the
option to do a simple search using Nominatim instead. This is when it
says "Search for "foo" in OSM".

Matt Williams

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