I think I was more concerned about the likelihood of the data being entered
correctly (ie putting an undue load on mappers to do something that a
computer can do with a much higher likelihood of success).

Maybe there are instances where the relation would have to be created by
hand (to sort out duplicate road names, for instance), in which case maybe
having them available in editors but not foregrounded is the better

{And did Tom really say "In JOSM you can simply..." ?!}


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Matt Williams <li...@milliams.com> wrote:

> On 19 October 2012 11:11, Richard Mann
> <richard.mann.westoxf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That's pretty much entirely a relation-as-category, though, isn't it?
> I would argue not. "Don't use relations as categories" was devised to
> combat people doing things like adding all buildings designed by a
> particular architect to a relation or adding all motorways to a
> relation. Relations are (and should be) used to group related items to
> make associations explicit. This isn't very different to using
> relation for bus or walking routes.
> group ≠ category
> Matt
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