On 25/01/2013 18:52, Andy Street wrote:
On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 13:58 +0000, Dave F. wrote:
Blockages of ways are often just temporary.
I disagree with Andy Street's comment:
"If you can't traverse a right of way then it shouldn't have a highway

Okay perhaps I could have been clearer but I wasn't suggesting omitting
the highway tag on paths that have the occasional fallen tree or
something that is likely to be rectified quickly, what I had in mind was
when someone builds a house over a public right of way or where you'd
need power-tools because the path is completely non-existent. It's the
same principal as roadworks where we don't change how we tag unless they
are going to close the road for a significant length of time.

In one case, the location of the path is clear, because it runs between two walls and the green "Public Footpath" signs are present, but a section of it has become completely and densely overgrown with brambles. It also has a large pile of earth obstructing it, which makes me wonder whether the obstruction is deliberate. It's been like this for at least a couple of years.

If there is a problem with the path notify the local authority
regardless of how you tag it in OSM.

I've done that already, though I would sympathise with the council if they chose to do nothing about it, because the section is only a couple of hundred yards long, and there is an equally convenient alternative walking route.

In the other case, the right of way runs diagonally across a field, but on the first few times I first visited it (over a period of a couple of years, so it wasn't just a temporary issue) the field was full of crops, and there was no sign of the path on the ground. There is an alternative path running round two sides of the field, but it is not a right of way.

This case is now of only theoretical interest, though, because the last time I went there the farmer had reinstated the diagonal path, and I was able to map it "properly".


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