On 26/01/13 14:41, Brad Rogers wrote:
John Aldridge <j...@jjdash.demon.co.uk> wrote:
In one case, the location of the path is clear, because it runs between
two walls and the green "Public Footpath" signs are present, but a
section of it has become completely and densely overgrown with
brambles. It also has a large pile of earth obstructing it, which makes
me wonder whether the obstruction is deliberate. It's been like this
for at least a couple of years.

Report it to the relevant PRoW Officer.  The landowner should be forced
to maintain the Way.

Actually, AIUI, the landowner can't be forced to, but if the landowner won't reinstate and clear the path, the council must. The council can then charge the full cost of them doing so to the landowner - which is likely to be far more than if the landowner did it. The threat alone is almost always enough to get them to do it. But occasionally, I suppose, the landowner can't be tracked down. The local authority still has to keep PRoWs open.

Also you don't need to figure out, yourself, who the PRoW officer is - just contact the highways department of the local authority.


Dr Jonathan Harley   :   Managing Director  :   SpiffyMap Ltd

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