
Alongside Freemap (free-map.org.uk) I've been developing an Android app - 
OpenTrail - which basically aims to be Freemap for walkers.
This is now feature complete enough for me to consider it ready for use, though 
note it's still in a beta state and thus there may be bugs.

If you're interested in trying it out, it's available at


It's based on the Mapsforge library (code.google.com/p/mapsforge) and includes:
* Walking maps for all of England (except the awkward bits N of Hadrian's Wall) 
rendered in the Freemap style, with paths coloured according to designation tag 
and OS LandForm panorama contours (Wales, Scotland not covered yet)
* Users can contribute annotations in the field, such as path problems, points 
of interest, and path directions at points of difficulty, which can then be 
viewed live in the field on your device, so the app can be used as a navigation 
tool. It's my aim with Freemap and OpenTrail to collect a crowd-sourced 
database of information for UK walkers. This functionality could be merged with 
the functionality available in fixmypaths (see post a couple of months ago) to 
allow direct reporting of problems to the relevant council.
* Ability to "play" Freemap walking routes in the field. Users can find and 
download nearby walk routes, which are supplied from the server as GPX. The app 
will then "play" the routes so that the instructions for each stage in the walk 
route are presented to the user as they reach the start of that stage.
* Can record a walk route as GPX. This has not been tested yet with walks 
longer than about an hour or so (damned rain!) nor has it been optimised for 
battery use so is not recommended yet as a tool for surveying OSM. Nonetheless 
walk routes can be uploaded to Freemap and shared with other users.

I do want to point out that it's beta software and thus prone to bugs. 
Nonetheless if anyone wants to take part in testing to iron out remaining bugs, 
that would be great!
I should point out that should a crash occur, a bug report is sent over the web 
to a spreadsheet on my Google drive - please only use if you are happy with 

See blog post

and full instructions page

I'm considering the app to be in feature freeze right now, so while suggestions 
for improvement/enhancement are welcome they will not be implemented until the 
0.2 version unless they are reasonably trivial. Also, now I've got a more 
powerful phone I'm wanting to go back to the augmented-reality stuff I was 
working on a couple of years ago.


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