Just to be clear about what I am doing.

I have been changing many what I consider typos. The majority have been simple 
changes I started by cleaning up the lanes tag as I was doing work getting 
lanes tagged correctly for the new CartoCSS and lanes=90 (where they was not) 
and lanes=two made no sense. So I fixed each of these worldwide looking at 
aerial imagery, (e.g. needed so leave a lanes=27 or something for a massive 
border entrance)

Again inspired by my designing new style at doing CartoCSS styling I looked at 
other features that I has been doing, fountains, nightclubs, religions, ice 
rinks, etc

Then fixing some the nature, landuse tags, landuse=maedow to meadow, etc within 
the same tagtype.

Recently I wanted to tackle one of my biggest personal bugbears of 
natural=grass which is (now was) tagged incorrectly and should be 
landuse=grass. There where dozens/hundreds in my local area so I did the whole 

In case where I moved tag type (natural to landuse) I looked at if they added 
anything to the corresponding tag.
So if nature=grass already had landuse=park or something I didn't change it 

Also I looked at the ways that had a name or had notes and decided if they 
where due more investigation and if to edit them or not. To be honest most 
didn't and it was quick and easy to check in JOSM when I highlight them all.

I tried to explain myself in the change set notes.

I like to think I have been responsible when doing this and think it improves 
the database/map.


> Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 09:20:32 +0200
> From: frede...@remote.org
> To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Mass edits of landuse /natural tags
> Hi,
> On 04/24/2013 04:26 PM, John Baker wrote:
> > AFAIC these were typo edits and getting the whole database more
> > consistent. I have done dozens of changes to fix typos worldwide over
> > the past few weeks and it would be crazy to have lengthy discussions on
> > each one for multiple countries in multiple communication channels.
> If you don't have the time or the will to do it properly, then simply 
> leave it be.
> The rule is that as soon as you make an edit where you don't look at the 
> individual object you edit, it is a mechanical edit that has to be 
> discussed beforehand.
> The reason for this rule is that it is too easy to introduce mistakes - 
> what looks like a "typo" to one person could make sense to another.
> Assume that there's an object tagged landuse=forest *and* natural=meadow 
> *and* it carries a note tag that explains exactly what the mapper meant 
> by this. Someone simply looking for all natural=meadow and replacing 
> them with landuse=meadow would overwrite the landuse=forest and not even 
> see the note tag - he performs a mechanical edit that needs to be 
> discussed beforehand (in order to minimize undesirable side effects).
> On the other hand, if someone were to manually go through all objects 
> tagged natural=meadow, read potential note tags, look at the other tags 
> and/or aerial imagery, and *then* change them to landuse=meadow, that 
> would not be a mechanical edit.
> Bye
> Frederik
> -- 
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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