On 09/05/2013 12:56, Jason Cunningham wrote:
UK legislation is fairly clear that Traffic Islands (with or without
hatched markings before are after) are not considered to create two
carriagways. We're not mapping legislation, but nethertheless I wouldnt
create two carriageways for a traffic island in a stretch of road...

What do people think of this:

http://osm.org/go/0EQSJEoZT-- (aerial: http://binged.it/10kuDNm )

and this:

http://osm.org/go/eu6_VCkLp-- (aerial: http://binged.it/16js1Ye )

I was dubious when I first saw what someone (not me) had done in these two locations. On the other hand, it is hard to represent properly how pedestrians are intended navigate a junction if you don't represent the islands, so I have warmed to it a bit. It does make rendering a street map a mess, often with lots of apparently superfluous one way arrows and a bulge, except at a very large scale.


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