Hi Nick,

We have Open Data locally for Nottingham ProW (significant because the city
was exempt from maintaining a definitive map until recently). So far all I
have done is added ref information to paths already mapped. Even with open
data the situation is still confusing: for instance a footpath described as
a ProW on a statement on the ground has not yet been recognised and may
require the dispute to be settled in the High

I got distracted by shops & pubs, which are nearing a reasonable degree of
completion. However the experience gained of using open data to drive
mapping surveys convinces me that by far and away the best use of open data
is to drive targeted surveys for particular groups of data. By just looking
for shops I've done real surveys in parts of Nottingham which hitherto were
mainly arm-chair tracing. I'm sure a similar approach with ProW data would
pay dividends: even if just to check where footpaths/bridleways join roads
which would enable quick checking of signage.

One thing which concerns me is the 'private' release of Open Data. A number
of counties have given ProW data to persistent pesterers (not meant
perjoratively) apparently under a suitable license. I'd far rather see this
published on the official websites of the Highway Authorities, not least
because then one is reasonably sure that they have checked with OSGB re. OS

Best wishes,

Jerry Clough

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Nick Whitelegg

> Hi,
> Just wondering what the current state of what we can do with the UK
> council footpath open data is?
> Generally I don't just copy the data into OSM anyway: it's more fun to
> survey :-)
> However I'm wondering whether we can do this?
> 1. Use the council data to verify whether a footpath surveyed by GPS is
> actually a public footpath, in cases when the waymarking is ambiguous and
> we "think" it's a right of way but may or may not be;
> 2. Removing the designation tag from a footpath surveyed from GPS before
> the council data was available. I've discovered that a path I surveyed in
> 2010 is not actually a right of way, according to Barry Cornelius'
> rownmaps.com.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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