Keith Sharp wrote:
When I did this, many years ago, I used something like:

        createuser -S -D -R apache
        echo "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO apache;" | psql gis
        echo "grant all on geometry_columns to apache;" | psql gis
        echo "grant all on spatial_ref_sys to apache;" | psql gis

I'm using apache as the user ID here as that's what Mapnik was running as.

This is taken from:

Not helping :(
I used to set up, and kicked in, but 'psql gis' gets me in and I can play with the data, just is giving the
FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "root" error

On 10 Jul 2013, at 08:43, Lester Caine <> wrote:

I've been working through all the disjointed installation guides in order to 
set up mapnik to run my own server, but while I'm fairly happy that everything 
is now in place, is giving me an authentication error. I had 
some fun at various points, and I'm installing onto an SUSE12.3 server which is 
running text only, so I'm using ssh access to give me the command line, which 
may be part of my problem since I'm logged in as 'root'.

I seem to have a 'gis' database fully populated, and I can access it via the 
user 'root', but not via the user 'gisuser' which is what I thought should be 
used, and which has worked in all the previous steps running osm2pgsql.

Can anybody kick me in the right direction to fix this? I've got osrm routing 
running on the machine so something has set up properly.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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