Anyone want to join up with a handful of people from the
Oxfordshire/Cotwolds group for a short mapping expedition to Aylesbury
this coming Saturday?

We'll be meeting up at the Morrisons cafe on Station Way[1] at 09:30
to 10:00 aiming to hit the streets for 10:30 or thereabouts. Evening
meetup at the well-recommended Hop Pole Inn on Bicester Road.

There are new developments to the north of the town that need a look
at (see notes), several clusters of roads that are either
missing or need their names checking[2], and loads of source=NPE
"footpath"s around the outskirts that really need confirming if you
fancy a walk in the countryside!

- it's a good indicator of the areas needing a little TLC too...

Andrew Chadwick

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