Hi All,

I have been speaking with the National Library of Scotland (NLS) about
their large collection of historic maps. Currently they provide a online
collection of historic maps as set out on their website [1]. Some of these
are georeferenced and can be used in OSM [2]. There is lots more left to
scan and georeference!! (Not all of them are Scotland maps, in fact there
are many non-UK maps too).

Question: Is anyone interested in helping georeference historic maps? The
process is quite simple - NLS will do the scanning for us, we just need to
follow the georeferencing guide [3] using a suitable piece of software such
as QGIS (free).

If you are interested in helping, what maps would you like to see? I am
thinking maybe detailed Town Plans*, but we could also look at some
emerging places maps (e.g. Antarctica).


*) Some Scottish Town Plans have already been scanned and just need
georeferencing: http://maps.nls.uk/towns/index.html

[1] http://maps.nls.uk/
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/National_Library_of_Scotland
[3] http://geo.nls.uk/urbhist/guides_georeferencing.html
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