
If you are just wanting to visualy inspect them, could you do it in
TileMill. I produced a map of a large part of County Durham that showed
both OSM footpaths and PRoW differently coloured. It produced a MBtiles
file which I then converted to Z,X,Y PNG tiles I then added that as a
source into a local OpenLayers site which allowed me to view it from any
browser. You could convert it to another map format with Mobile Atlas
Creator and view the map that way. You could even use the produced map as a
background in JOSM if you then want to trace the paths?

You could also do it in QGIS and could probably get it to highlight only
the paths that are missing.

Not sure if either of those is exactly what you are after.


On 27 Jul 2013 13:12, "Dudley Ibbett" <dudleyibb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to make use of the row files on rowmaps for derbyshire and
> staffordshire and and merging these with and osm map file to then produce
> maps that can highlight which paths are and aren't mapped.  I can put the
> derbyshire file into JOSM and download parts of the area and merge them to
> create an osm file that I can then save locally and import into
> Maperative.  A modified rules file allows me to produce the prow footpath
> ways and the osm footpath ways as different coloured dotted lines so I can
> see which are/aren't mapped.  Unfortunately JOSM doesn't seem to be able to
> cope with merging large files.  I maybe asking to much of it as the files
> are quite big.  What I would like is to be able to get a merged file of the
> derbyshire, saffordshire row files and the equivalent osm map file on a
> regular basis (highlighting the rows that aren't mapped) so I can slowly
> pick away at the remaining footpaths the need mapping in this area.  Does
> anyone know of a simple way to do this?
> Many Thanks
> Dudley
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