
I've been working on trying to understand what impact OS OpenData had
on OSM in the UK.

As a first cut, I looked at all objects with the following properties
in the gb history extract upto 2012:
- version = 1
- name not equal to blank
- highway = residential, footway, service, unclassified, track,
tertiary, path, primary, secondary, trunk, road, motorway,
motorway_link, primary_link

Then I reduced each highway to its approximate point location and
analyzed contributions over time.

This produced the following map:

You can read a full description of my findings are method here:

I had a few questions for those that might've been around at that time:

- does the chart intuitively make sense? are there any obvious errors
on my part that I should take into consideration?

- what explains certain regions getting a lot of new highways while
other not? I'm talking about areas like Suffolk (but not Norfolk),
Lancashire but not North Yorkshire? There are many such examples.

- finally, what more analysis would one like to see?

Let me know, I'm working on this data some more, so would be happy to
produce more maps that would be useful to the community.


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