Yes David, I think you're right. Those are some very good points which I think needs to be address by us.

I can almost see OSM splitting into two halves, one half concentrating on the human facing side of OSM, such as map rendering, interfacing with users and building user apps and features, and the other half concentrating on the data side, such as editing, data structure, integrity, imports and exports?


On 18/11/2013 00:45, David Woolley wrote:
On 17/11/13 21:47, Jonathan wrote:

I don't believe OSM is about rendering maps, isn't it about creating a
cartographic database?

That's not going to be true of the new mappers you are trying to encourage. I suspect you are nearing saturation for the people who actually appreciate the underlying database and are now competing with Google mappers. To the extent the data is not being used for end user maps, or only for ones for which you have to pay, a lot of people will see no point in contributing. To the extent that it used in customised rendering, you should be getting those sites to provide access to the editing tools, so that mappers can edit on the sites they are using for working maps.

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