
Firstly, I think Tom Chance has covered all the significant issues.

I'm assuming that the types of assets your potential users are interested
in are of the order of schools, libraries, health facilities etc. rather
than street furniture. In these categories I would estimate a typical level
of coverage in OSM will be between 30-50%. With open data there is scope to
improve coverage in many of these areas. However such POIs are likely to be
mapped in diverse ways: from a single point for a school to a polygon for
the school grounds with buildings, staff parking, playgrounds and playing
fields all mapped, In initially presenting information it will probably
best to abstract things to a single representation (e.g., polygon
centroids). A related problem is of duplication: a school polygon with a
separate node containing the school name. Again some kind of pre-processing
of the data for specific assets may be useful.

The potential complexity of the underlying representation may create
problems. Tom has covered this in his point 2.


Jerry Clough

On 6 February 2014 14:13, Mike Thacker <mike.thac...@esd.org.uk> wrote:

> Hello
> I am working with tools used by a large number of UK councils, rather than
> us maintain separate data on local government assets (libraries, public
> toilets, contact centres, etc), we should like to hook in to Open Street
> Map to use its data and help maintain it.
> So I'd like to do two things:
>    1. Overlay on the Open Street Maps we already use (see the rather
>    small example within this report <http://reports.esd.org.uk/Reports/14> we
>    generate) assets of types selected by users.  We can either do this by
>    switching on the relevant OSM layers or by downloading the data and
>    overlaying it on a map.  Note that maps are usually for a single local
>    or fire authority.
>    2. Provide an interface whereby local authority officers can update
>    existing assets and add new ones to directly to Open Street Map via a
>    simple dialogue that we provide.  We can introduce some validation on who
>    does this.
> I'd like to explore the feasibility of doing 1 and 2 above and whether we
> are safe doing 2 without any suggestion that we might impair the quality of
> OSM data.
> I'd really appreciate any feedback by email or ideas as to whom I should
> contact and how.
> Thanks in advance
> Mike
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