What I don't understand is why some people are seeing this problem but other aren't. I've just got someone who edits in another part of the country, and so will not be seeing cached images, to have a look at a location in my local area in JOSM. They could definitely see three different lots of high-res imagery at different zoom levels. Others, including SK53 and Blackadder, have indicated seeing the same. On the other hand, Eric's message below describes exactly what I am seeing, as did Steve Brook's message yesterday.


On 03/03/2014 14:10, Eric Grosso wrote:
Hi all,

I encountered exactly the same problem at the end of last week (before the higher zoom level images of my editing zone were still in cache and hid the problem) -- location: Edinburgh, Scotland.

Apparently this problem appeared for some contributors at the beginning of last December: - (5 December) https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-au/2013-December/010190.html - (7 December) https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/28868/aerial-background-imagery-disappears-in-p2-if-i-zoom-in-to-a-high-level-it-did-not-in-the-past
- (18 December) http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=23592

Because the source of the problem is apparently due to some changes in the Bing maps API, the developers of the OSM editors, at least those of JOSM, did not much investigated this problem -- see comments 11 and 16 here: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/9408.

@ Filip: an employee of Microsoft gave partially an answer here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/live/en-US/8e2af97a-f5e5-4ae0-acec-562db7e134d0/why-is-it-that-the-bing-map-control-has-a-much-lower-resolution-than-the-website?forum=bingmapswindows8

Some people think that there is a link with the launch of the new 3D Bing maps data: http://www.bing.com/blogs/site_blogs/b/search/archive/2013/12/05/maps3d.aspx

I also checked on the Bing maps website. It appears that we can only access the zoom level 19 when using the Bing Aerial imagery (http://www.bing.com/maps/) without showing labels. But if the labels are activated, it's possible to access all zoom levels even those higher than 19. So at the moment, because the Bing/OSM licence -- as far as I understand it -- doesn't allow the OSM contributors to use another Bing imagery than the Aerial one without the labels, the problem seems currently unsolvable.


On 3 March 2014 10:00, SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk <mailto:li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk>> wrote:

    Andy Robinson wrote:

        Zooming in on Nottingham I'm seeing three different imagery
        versions at
        different zoom levels. I don't anything missing.

    Here's a specific example, to the north in Mansfield:


    (using P2 because it doesn't overzoom)

    At z19 there's the current road layout.  At z20 (or 21?) the old
    road layout used to be visible (the footpath that you can see used
    to be a road).  I remember this one only because SK53 and I
    specifically discussed the old road configuration, and I first
    mapped it (well, tidied up the ex-NPE roads already there) when
    the roads were being changed to the new configuration.



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