On 04/08/14 12:32, Richard Symonds wrote:
> "The Council has no details to confirm the toll road design meets safety
> standards and no evidence that insurances are in place for any member of
> the public who use the private toll road."

Just been listening to the news report on the road. Anybody mapped it yet?
I get the impression that it is a speculative venture that may well not
actually make a profit since the road apparently cost £150k and the
overheads of charging will also eat into any profit.

The council are concerned about the development since they have to move
4000 tonnes of stone to the problem site, so did not want the increased
cost of managing that on to of fixing the road as fast as possible.
Perhaps another expense the toll road owner may have to agree to to get
retrospective planning permission.

It show how poor the road systems are in some areas of the country.
Access to Bath could really do with a proper set of dual carriageways
from the M4 and going across Bristol to the M5. I frequent that area on
business quite often, and am using tertiary roads most of the time
simply to get into one side of the distruption, even before the road was

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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