On 05/08/2014 15:00, Curon Davies wrote:
On 5 August 2014 14:25, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com <mailto:dave...@madasafish.com>> wrote:
> One reason I haven't added it is because it's illegal (AFAIK. The owners of the land & local councillor failed to reply to my tweets) & definitely has no planning permission.

The development isn't illegal, there is no criminal offence (AFAIK), on the other hand it is unlawful.

a) Semantics
b) Isn't there a statute law which says 'you can't build or open a road without authorisation'?

> They have produced no proof it's been constructed to DfT/HA standards.

AFAIK roads only need to be constructed to this standard if the road is to be adopted, there are numerous developments where the road isn't built to standard, yet they are still mapped on OSM.

AFAIK adoption is only the transfer of responsibility for maintenance i.e. from the building contractor to the local municipal authority. The roads, depending on there usage, have to be constructed to various standards. I can't imagine the M6 toll was allowed to get away with rolling out just 150mm thick layer of compacted hardcore.

> Insurance (all parties) is unclear & possibly suspect. Another reason is I don't map everybody's private drive way.

Although questionable, the road is opperated by KELSTON TOLL ROAD LIMITED, and therefore would require public liability insurance.

Getting insurance is dead easy. These companies love being given money for old rope, (think of extended warranties for your big screen TV). Receiving a payout is another matter. Will _your_ policy compensate if you hit another vehicle on an unlawful road?

Dave F.

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