On 13/08/14 07:37, Lester Caine wrote:

On a slightly different tack, the tertiary road designation is more of a
problem. While not advocating 'tag for routing', this is one that is
making my own use of OSMAND almost impossible, and I can't believe
others don't find the problem. It refuses to use the B4632 ( used to be
the A46! ) going north from here, and I can't trace why. Roads south are
a similar problem, but these a good quality 'C' roads. Should they be
'upgraded' to secondary or should the distinction be removed in OSMAND
for UK roads?  If I can't trust local routing why should I at a new
destination and we are talking a several mile detour here which can add
30mins to the journey.

If you don't like the routing decisions an app makes then talk to it's author or use a different one - certainly don't try and hack the data to make it do what you want. Aside from anything else it might affect other apps routing decisions in entirely different ways.

There is a well defined meaning to trunk/primary/secondary for UK roads so please use it.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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