Layers are _relative_, so I'd use layer=0 (ie default) for the layer with
the most detail (probably the public area of the terminal building), and if
that has to use stairs or escalators to fit in with adjacent layer=0 areas
then so be it.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Stuart Reynolds <> wrote:

>  Can you help?
> I have a problem with Stansted, and don’t know how to go about sorting it.
> Fundamentally, it is drawn so that it looks nice cartographically, but
> there are no routeable connections between the rail station and the coach
> station, or up into the terminal building. So I need to add some in, but
> levels keep getting in the way.
> The coach station is at ground level. Really ground level. Currently all
> the bays are shown, but behind the coach station there isn’t a footpath,
> but there is a roof. Unsurprisingly, pedestrians cannot use roofs! I can
> put a footpath underneath that, though, so it isn’t really a problem. The
> problem starts to come when you go into the terminal building, which you do
> just behind the coach station in a number of places (where the
> north-projecting bits of roof are).
> For those of you who don’t know Stansted, the terminal building sits atop
> a built up bank. So the entrance has all the appearance of being at ground
> level, as it is just like a mini hill, but is really at level 1, as can be
> seen if you view the terminal from the air side, with all of the baggage
> handling areas on the true ground floor. The entrances from the coach
> station go in at true ground, there are then
> footpaths/ramps/lifts/escalators down to the rail station at level -1, and
> up to the terminal building. The terminal building, though, is currently
> set to level 0 and I am loath to change it in case that makes it appear to
> be up in the air - and as I said, the air side of the terminal really does
> sit on the ground, and it is mapped as one building. The only part of the
> terminal that is currently mapped as level 1 is a passenger air bridge,
> which really is a walkway over a road. But it is a flat walk out of the
> level 0 terminal!
> I don’t want to break it, but I need to reflect the routing options,
> lifts, escalators, ramps, etc. But how should I enter these? As “visible”
> elements, or as hidden elements? And how should I show the tunnels from the
> ground level coach station under the terminal building as tunnels, and…
> You can see why I am confused!
> Many thanks
> Stuart
> -------------------------------------------
> Stuart Reynolds
> For traveline south east & anglia
> email:
> mob: 07788 106165
> skype: stuartjreynolds
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