Some general notes:

1. Many people (especially estate agents) add 'town' & 'village' etc to addresses in an attempt to appear further upmarket & keep prices a bit higher. Never really works.

2. I agree with the editor's comment that confusion/disagreement about degrees of suburbs is not a valid reason to tag them incorrectly as towns.

3. Not checked any of the edits specifically but would the name used by the local authority/council give a reference?

4. Tags not amended 'in ages' makes them ripe for review/update, not set in stone.

Dave F.
Mapper, not committee member

On 19/11/2014 10:07, Tom Chance wrote:
Hello there,

As somebody who dislikes change, I was slightly horrified to see these edits:

The user has changed a whole lot of places within London and Birmingham that were tagged as town / village / hamlet / etc. to place=suburb. He appears to be following the advice now given on the wiki, that:

"Areas of a town/city should not be tagged with place=town, place=village or place=hamlet. These should only be used for distinct settlements."

Apart from the fact that I cannot stand it when the work of self-appointed wiki editors leads to somebody making sweeping edits of others' work, I also really don't like losing the hierarchy of place implicit in Wimbledon being marked as a town, Forest Hill a village, Belleden a hamlet, and so on, and them all just becoming 'suburb'. Apart from the fact that many places in London were historically towns in their own right, they are often also regarded as town centres.

But should we swallow this and move to the use of place=suburb/quarter/neighbourhood?

If so, I'd like to do this properly, instead of the process that this user has gone through to just make everything 'suburb'.



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