On 28 January 2015 at 01:13, Neil Matthews <ndmatth...@plus.net> wrote:

> Do we need an OSM disclaimer -- I've just had a mail from a gentleman
> enquiring why an underground powerline http://www.openstreetmap.org/
> way/127968407/history#map=17/51.50283/-2.55462 was drawn on OSM -- as he
> didn't want to buy a house on top of it and Western Power told him the
> powerline couldn't be there! I think he joined OSM just to message me?!?
> I suspect he might have been more upset if he was selling...
> Cheers,
> Neil (ndm)
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What if a driver has an accident and says "I got the map from OSM and it
states this is a primary route - so I expected it to have been suitable for
my journey.' ?

Why doesn't OSM seem to care about the quality of the mapping - marking
roads arbitrarily to someone else's classifications rather than as per what
appears on the ground ?

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