On 23/04/15 21:53, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> So how do we get to the point where these facilities can be rendered, so
> a campground map looks proper when brought up on a smartphone?

Well the starting point there is a proper database of information which
can be accessed via the phone. It would have a lot more information than
I would anticipate adding to the tagging on OSM! But that is a different

I could make an argument for this being part of tag:waste_disposal as
that is an integral part of the clear out of both boat and RV/van but I
think that this is better, and might become a base for solid
waste/recycling at a later date. The access to both would probably be

tag -> disposal_point

pump_out:grey         (No sewage)
pump_out:black        (Contains Sewage)
pump_out:bilge        (May contain oil)
pump_out:restricted   (note advise restrictions)
dump:black            (may have restrictions?)
chemical:contained    (cartridge style disposal)
chemical:clean_down    ('wet' disposal with clean down facility)
chemical:gel_only     (may be other restrictions depending on country?)

clients_only          (marina or campsite or leisure facility clients)
public_free           (council provided facility?)
public_fee:rates      (see debate in Oz about lack of public
                       facilities even if they paid for access)
LOCATION should show if it's private access to boats or other vehicles
Payment methods or private access also expand the data.

Location is dependent on how one is mapping. A CDP may be inside the
toilet and shower block which is the case in good UK sites, in it's own
room normally, so may be tagged on the building. Some RV/caravan sites
may have dump points adjacent to a pitch, which will also provide mains
electric, TV, broadband, and water hookup. Adding icons for all of those
is impractical, which is why I say the smartphone would get that
information from the pitch booking facility, but communal fill up points
would be tagged. However none of that is part of the disposal icon?

amenity=drinking_water  - lacks an indication if it can be used
                          for fillup
amenity=water_point     - lacks the 'potable' tagging
waterway=water_point    - HAS been dropped in favour of the amenity
                          entry so why should disposal be different?

It is interesting that
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Pumpout was
rejected because it was 'only for boats' or very strangely 'recycling'.
I suppose we could hook the black waste direct into the bio-digester ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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