cuisine=breakfast seems far too GB/US/CA centric.

There are places in Berlin which do all day breakfasts but certainly not of
that sort; in most of SE Asia breakfast is likely to be some form of
congee, and there plenty of such breakfast places in Hong Kong.

Of course the tag can be interpreted by location, in which case it looks
like a subset of cuisine=regional.


On 24 April 2015 at 20:20, Paul Norman <> wrote:

> On 4/24/2015 10:28 AM, Dan S wrote:
>> Any thoughts about tagging a greasy spoon cafe (a caff)? It's a
>> particular British type of food that we need to be able to locate
>> accurately;)
>> In taginfo I see
>>    cuisine=breakfast (282)
>>    cuisine=british (73)
>> but both seem too vague to me. There are a handful of
>>    cuisine=greasy_spoon (4)
>> so I'll go with that unless there's anything better I've missed.
>> Also I've just learnt that the term "greasy spoon" is of US origin!
> We have them in Canada too. I used amenity=restaurant cuisine=breakfast
> for the one I go to (, and see
> I used amenity=cafe cuisine=breakfast for the nearby one I go to less
> frequently ( I'm not sure
> which I'd consider more appropriate. I wouldn't consider cuisine=british
> right. I don't like cuisine=greasy_spoon because it only has four uses.
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