On 04/05/15 02:18, Dave F. wrote:

I seem to remember there was general consensus that C class roads shouldn't have their reference number in the ref tag as they aren't really for public use, such as on signs or maps, but the official use of local councils etc.

It was suggested, therefore, to swap them to a tag like off_ref, or some such similar. Was this agreed upon?

If there is consensus I personally think this would be a valid use of a mass edit due to the large number http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/98Y Does anyone have experience of doing such a auto edit?

Dave F.
If you go back in the archives of this list to 17/3/13 you will find a discussion labelled "Refs on Tertiary and Unclassified Roads in Highland". You will perhaps not be surprised to see that there is no definitive outcome of the discussion but there are two suggestions (both seem to me to be perfectly sound) for alternative tags to use instead of "ref=" for these roads. The suggestions were "official:ref=" and "official_ref=". I made a suggestion that we could use "local:ref=" but nobody seemed to think this was worth supporting. My reasoning was that these road references are maintained at a local level by Councils and have no national significance.

Anyway I think that either of the tags which incorporate the word "official" seem to be acceptable.


Dr Bogumil N Zaba

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