Thanks to the people who pointed me at helpful tools. I have fixed it up
as best as I can for the moment - obviously erroneous stretches of
coastline have been removed, missing segments have been added where a
bridge has been inserted, that kind of thing. Geometrically it looks OK,
and it seems very roughly to correspond to the illustrative map on


On 2015-05-28 21:12, Colin Smale wrote: 

> Hi everyone, 
> The boundary relation for Snowdonia National Park is severely messed up at 
> the moment. 
> Is there anyone who can sort this out? I don't mind doing the editing but I 
> kind of resent fixing somebody else's damage and I haven't got a source for 
> the boundary vectors. 
> The latest editor of the relation is SK53 but he is a respected, experienced 
> mapper and I don't believe he would do this. Querying the history on the 
> website just times out so I can't easily see when it went pear-shaped and how 
> it used to be.... 
> [1] 
> Cheers, 
> Colin 
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