Richard Fairhurst <> writes:

> There are many people, myself included, who have the technical knowledge and
> resources to set up a UK-only render, updated once a week by a reimport from
> a Geofabrik extract.

I count myself in this group since a couple of years ago I was also
unhappy with the default OSM style and osm-carto specification of it
so created my own Mapnik stylesheet generator.  I stopped maintaining
the stylesheet just over a year ago since trying to keep up with
osm-carto was too difficult but I do keep generating tiles from it
every week.

To see a comparison of my tiles and the standard OSM ones I created
this web-page:

My description of the stylesheet generator is here with links to the
source code download:

The Mapnik stylesheet is generated by some Perl scripts based on some
TAB separated text files which I manage in a simple spreadsheet.  The
SQL statements, Mapnik Layers and Styles are all auto-generated and
are arranged in a very different way from the standard osm-carto

Of particular interest to a UK map is my choice to draw RoW markings
over highway markings.  For example a designated right of way on a
private road is marked as a footpath and as a private road.

Andrew M. Bishop         

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