On 07/12/2015 11:35, Colin Smale wrote:

Where two roads are multiplexed, it looks like one of the refs is the primary and is shown without brackets, and the other is shown within brackets, such as the A22 near Uckfield which multiplexes with the A26. It is shown as "Eastbourne A22 / Lewes (A26)". Is this done 100% consistently?

If it helps, here's an Overpass query to search for refs with a semicolon in:


An example mapped like that near me is http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/33276389#map=19/52.92697/-1.47667 , and I'm pretty sure that's not signed A601 (nothing is). It may be signed A52, or perhaps nothing at all. If you believe OS OpenData StreetView, it's the A601. Other alleged examples locally are roundabouts which have signed exits but aren't obviously part of one road or another.


Andy (SomeoneElse)

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