On 14/02/2016 18:34, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

Routes marked by OS as "Other Route with Public Access" will most
probably be routes that appear on the local Highway Authority's "List
of Streets Maintainable at the Public Expense", but are not maintained
to a standard for regular motor traffic. They will generally be
Unclassified Highways (i.e. not an A, B or C road) and unless there is
a specific Traffic Regulation Order to the contrary, there will be
full vehicle, horse and pedestrian rights over them.

I suspect that depends what part of the England/Wales you're in. Whilst that's certainly true in some cases, near me (Derbyshire) it's more likely that they're just public tracks that have got "forgotten" about (not necessarily even on the "list of streets").

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/189123170/history was a case in point - "everyone" assumed it was a bridleway but just lacked signage until some of the local horsey folks looked into it and got it properly designated, so it didn't get lost in 2026.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/38048629 is a slightly different example - it is signed as a "Right of Way" (that's exactly what the sign says). I used that for the designation and guessed a bit about access tags - a cyclist may want to amend them there if they're aware of cycle access. You changed the designation there and added a fixme presumably because you didn't like things being "untidy" - unfortunately the real world sometimes is :)

https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/230688755 is similar (but signed "Public Right of Way"). Based on previous experience in Derbyshire I'm guessing that both of these examples will end up as restricted byways at some point (i.e. not BOATs, and not Unclassified County Road or the local county's version of that).

As far as tagging is concerned, I would strongly advise against
designation="other routes with public access", designation=orpa and
similar. The "Other Route with Public Access" is an OS-specific term,
and even if that status hasn't been copied from OS, such tagging may
give the impression that it may have been -- which is not something we
want to give or accidentally encourage.

Absolutely agreed with that - unless it actually says ORPA on a sign the ground (which I'd be very surprised to see).



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