On 10/05/16 at 08:59pm, Eric Grosso wrote:
> I removed the NCN names associated to the roads/paths in Edinburgh (at
> least until the City By-pass) modified this week-end and I also re-added
> the railway=abandoned parts as it was before tintin2873's edits --
> changeset #39226002.
> I discovered that some parts of the Union Canal Towpath and the Water of
> Leith Walkway are mapped as highway=path, some others as highway=cycleway.
> tintin2873 changed all of these highways in cycleways (tagged previously as
> paths). Despite the fact that these highways became part of the NCN, I
> still consider that these highways are still primarily paths by nature.

Think parts of the towpath are debatable, but given the narrow width and
shared use. path with designanated bicycle is probably most correct. 
> What do you think? Do we, OSM contributors, tag all the highways part of a
> NCN as cycleways? What to do when in some cases, a highway is both part of
> a NCN route and a hiking route (e.g the John Muir Way)?

I think it depends of the width of the path and likelyhood of being
shared, needing to slow down for pedestrians. On a cycleway, it should
not normally be necessary to reduce speed to pass. 


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