On 6/13/2016 5:55 PM, Andy Townsend wrote:
As a bit more background to this, see the changeset discussion comments on https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/39809705 and https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/39812846 . I got a reply re "football vs soccer", but not about any of the other questions raised in there.

Ok. No dissension on sport=football to sport= soccer ... if I can identify it from bing imagery.
Where I cannot identify it I am inclined to leave a fixme tag on it.

As for the other things ...
Court/pitch separation.
For example way 422897831 ... from bing. There is a faint outline of what to me is a netball court. So I added that.

I am inclined to separate individual sport courts .. so there is a overlay of a tennis court there too.. Some courts are head to tail aligned as here, others are, for example, 4 tennis courts and 3 netball courts .. thus the individual mapping allows for visual identification of this. Also some courts run across the other courts - one set north to south the others east to west. I think the added detail is better than numerical tags as these separate courts render without any additional requirements, make it clear as to the number and orientation of the courts. It is more work but easy to do and has some benefit.

Hummm yes well ... I am not familiar with soccer other than the 11 a side one (which I played on many Saturdays in a club). I think some of the 'smaller' games look to me very much like field hockey markings ? It would help if there were tags to identify these ... for example sport=soccer, soccer:5_a_side:yes, soccer:minisoccer=yes But I think more urgent would be some documentation on the wiki (both soccer and field_hockey)?

Sports on Recreation Grounds ...
I prefer to map the individual pitches as this gives the orientation, location and number of pitches. While some of these may move from season to season they don't usually move far due to size restrictions, nor do the number of pitches change. I don't map 'social games' that have no on ground infrastructure .. for example a game of football on a grassed area I don't map it as a pitch... no sidelines, goal posts etc .. just jumpers on the ground as markers for goals, corners ...
So putting sports on recreation grounds to me .. I don't do.

Future activity for me + sport?
Apart from sport=football there are sport=hockey (probably to sport=field_hockey where identified by bing imagery) and sport=multi (sport=x;multi where x is the sport identified by bing imagery) .. these are all possibilities. The one with the most impact would be sport=multi followed by sport=hockey.

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