Pity its such short notice and I have a lot on this week.

For some reason the URLs are not clickable, could it be the <>.

Phil (trigpoint) 

On Mon Nov 14 12:08:06 2016 GMT, Adrian McEwen wrote:
> Following on from the HOTOSM mapping party advertised here a couple of 
> months back there's a follow-up one happening this week.
> Margaux, who organised the first one, is running another this Thursday 
> at DoES Liverpool http://doesliverpool.com, from 6:30pm.
> The Missing Maps project is a global initiative to let people with spare 
> time and a computer help out with humanitarian aid without having to 
> travel to where the aid is being delivered, by doing bits of mapping 
> from satellite imagery to build up maps for those on the ground to use.
> No experience necessary, I expect Margaux will give a short intro talk 
> about the project, and then we'll be doing some mapping. Bring a laptop 
> (and a mouse might be useful, given the sort of editing you end up doing).
> Sign up at 
> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/missing-maps-in-liverpool-tickets-29078159558
> Cheers,
> Adrian.
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