It's not all gloom as some local authorities do advertise their licence on 
their website.  Examples are Brecon Beacons NPA, Bucks, Derbyshire, Gateshead, 
Hampshire, Manchester, North York Moors NPA, Norfolk, Nottingham, Oldham, 
Oxfordshire, Redcar and Cleveland, Salford, Stockton, Trafford, Wirral.

On 22 December 2016 16:45:41 WET, SK53 <> wrote:
>Hi Barry,
>This is all very useful and clarifies some issues for various datasets.
>I and others have indeed been using rowmaps data in the way you
>suggest: as
>a tool for planning surveys.
>I still think it's a shame that councils are so reluctant to clearly
>the nature of licences on their own websites, and rely on you to
>this service with the inevitable issues of introducing more steps which
>already complicated by the different roles of LAs/OSGB.
>On 22 December 2016 at 15:53, Barry Cornelius
>> I've received a tweet drawing my attention to a thread with the
>> "Local Authority rights of way information". I wasn't receiving the
>> for this list and I can't see a way of replying to an e-mail if you
>> receive it. So I guess I'm starting a new thread which is annoying.
>> On Wed Dec 21 11:17:17, Chris Hill wrote:
>> > Row maps is definitely not based on OGL data.
>> If you go to:
>> and then go to the pages for each of North Lincolnshire, Oldham,
>> Portsmouth, Salford, Wigan and the Wirral, you'll see that these
>> are released with the OGL.
>> The datasets for most of the other local authorities were released
>> terms equivalent to the OS OpenData Licence. When I e-mailed the
>> Survey about the local authorities that had, during the last few
>> successfully obtained an exemption from the Public Sector Mapping
>> and released their data under terms equivalent to the OS OpenData
>> Richard Mortara [Public Sector Contracts Manager, Ordnance Survey]
>> "All data exempted by Ordnance Survey is now covered by the Open
>> Licence (OGL), which superseded its own OS OpenData licence in April
>> > [Row maps] includes E Yorks and Hull data that both councils have
>> explicitly refused to release as OGL.
>> Actually the website does not yet provide data for
>> As far as East Yorkshire is concerned, I received an e-mail from
>> Rockliff [Engineer (Definitive Map), Asset Strategy, Planning and
>> Regeneration, East Riding of Yorkshire Council] on 10th January 2013
>> said "I am pleased to be able to tell you that a request from East
>> of Yorkshire Council for a derived data exemption in relation to its
>> Rights of Way (PRoW) datasets has now been approved. As a
>consequence, the
>> terms equivalent to OS OpenData (see
>> uk/oswebsite/opendata/docs/os-opendata-licence.pdf ) may now also be
>> applied to the dataset being released."
>> When I requested an update in 2014, I received a reply from Gordon
>> [Assistant Engineer (Definitive Map), Asset Strategy (AS 67),
>Planning and
>> Economic Regeneration, East Riding of Yorkshire Council] on 27th
>> 2014 saying "Attached is the most recent copy of the shapefile. All
>> same licences etc apply."
>> > I have asked Barry for his sources and there has been a stoney
>> I don't normally ignore e-mails. So maybe your e-mail didn't get to
>> > If anyone has used rowmaps as a source for OSM edits I would revert
>> edit.
>> Although I don't do the hard grind of adding to OSM, it has always
>been my
>> view that's it's irrelevant as to what licence the data has been
>> with. As others have pointed out in this thread, the data from
>> can best be used to identify a PROW that needs
>> what's in the data may be quite different from what happens on the
>> And this disclaimer that shows alongside any map is
>> appropriate: "An authority's Definitive Map is the authoritative
>source of
>> their rights of way. The details of the public rights of way network
>> contained in an authority's data are for information only, and are an
>> interpretation of the Definitive Map, not the Definitive Map itself,
>> should not be relied on for determining the position or alignment of
>> public right of way. For legal purposes, an authority's data does not
>> replace their Definitive Map. And changes may have been made to the
>> Definitive Map that are not included in their data."
>> --
>> Barry Cornelius
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