has there ever been discussion about code branching in OSM? In git terms,
we are all making changes direct to master. I'm wondering whether small
changes could be automatically approved and large changes would require
peer review first.

I know that this is a huge change to the base infrastructure, so maybe a
bot that auto-challenges large/sweeping changes?

....or is this like in QI when the siren goes off because someone proposes
something that has is a commonly held fallacy? or been discussed ad nauseam

- Jez

On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 at 12:29 ael <law_ence....@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 11:53:51AM +0000, SK53 wrote:
> > Somehow I have been oblivious to the fact that large numbers of polygons
> > tagged natural=heath have been added over the past few months to OSM.
> I too have encountered at least one armchair mapper who (in my view)
> incorrectly tagged large areas of Bodmin moor with this nonsense.
> I changed this rubbish in the areas that I have directly surveyed, but
> did not think that I should override another mapper who clearly had
> spent a lot of effort in adjacent areas without consultation.
> I first noticed this problem several months ago: I cannot remember
> whether I tried to contact the mapper to ask what was happening.
> I have had other instances of armchair mappers adding what I regard as
> very dubious landuse tags to areas that I have extensively surveyed.
> When I contacted one of the main offenders; I didn't get a very helpful
> response.
> Anyway, I suspect that this is a problem over large areas.
> ael
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