I'm currently trying to tidy up some of the tagging and locations of the town centre where I live. I've already moved a pub to be in the right place, and updated some labels for shops that have changed hands since the previous edit. However, one that also needs updating is a multi-use building with different uses on different floors, and I have to confess that I can't really work out how to tag it from the information on the wiki.

Specifically, the building is Evesham Town Hall. Like a lot of English market town Town Halls, it was originally built on arches at first floor level, the ground floor open space being used as a market space. But then the ground floor was later enclosed, and used separately - it was, for a long time, the town police station and jail, and now has a commercial tenant as a cafe-bar.

What I'm trying, and failing, to work out how to tag is some way of representing the following:

1. The entire building is "Evesham Town Hall".
2. The top floor comprises two parts: the Council Chamber and the Town Hall.
3. The ground floor (excluding the access to the first floor) is the Valkyrie Cafe-bar.

I don't think it's necessary to map all the distinct parts, including the staircase that gives access to the top floor. And tagging the Council Chamber may be unnecessary, too. But I do think it needs to be tagged as both the Town Hall and the cafe-bar, with the latter being represented as being contained within the former at ground level.

Does that make sense? If so, how do I do it?


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