Just an update about tomorrow's meeting in Scalford:

Meeting time is 10:30 in the car park of the Kings Arms
<http://www.kingsarms-scalford.co.uk/>(not Red Lion as I inadvertently
stated originally). A (fairly current state of unmapped paths in the
neighbourhood can be seen on umap
I'll aslo try and have some printed/laminated maps with me.

Dudley has already reserved the obvious route to Holwell & back, but there
are at least 3 other alternatives towards Goadby Markwood and Waltham.

The pub opens at 12 and is unlikely to be busy. I will warn them to expect
4-6 of us.

We aim to join together for lunch from 12:45-14:00. Some chosen morning
routes are longer than others.

Waltham is the obvious target for additional mapping after lunch, but the
little network of paths to the W of Holwell are unlikely to be covered by
Dudley. There are also many shortish loops available between Scalford and
Long Clawson.

This area is I think very much the least touched area of Leicestershire.
The county as a whole suffers from relatively few paths with marked
designations (~ 27% of all footpaths by length), but a reasonable
proportion of paths are on OSM (60-65).


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