"I disagree with you here, the walkable line  should be mapped as the right
of way whether it follows the definitive line or not. It absolutely should
not be mapped as permissive, the landowner is not giving permission. If the
definitive line is obstructed you have an absolute right to go around it."

Actually we're almost entirely in agreement. Though, if an obstruction is
of a temporary nature or an otherwise easily resolved obstruction (eg. a
locked gate) then it might be better to map the route and report the

Colin, the Ramblers' 'Blue Book' is a standard recommended guide to law and
practice. Sadly, I've lent my copy out so can't quote chapter and verse but
it does cover the right to deviate and also the right to abate a public
nuisance. The general gist is that any deviation of route or removal of
obstruction should be the minimum necessary to allow your passage.
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