On 11/07/17 14:37, SK53 wrote:
public rights of way through stations (i.e., notional places on stations
where you don't need a ticket). Paul Sladen defended the one
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/165120168> at Nottingham station. Here
I think 'duck' tagging is the way to proceed, so entrances from the
street should be tagged not tops of stairs from the PRoW.

There is no public right of way simply because you are outside the ticket line. Access is generally "permissive". In fact, a number of big stations now have notices about "Withdrawal of Implied Permission", e.g. <http://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/imageuploads/1388775198_80.177.117.97.jpg>, which clearly indicate that the operator thinks that access is only permissive.

There may be cases where a public right of way does pass through a station, but that will generally be a narrow corridor, not the whole concourse.

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