Andy, that sounds reasonable from the perspective of your mapping activities, 
but it doesn't address the question of the contents of the map. If someone else 
was at the other end of the street and saw a sign subtly different to yours, we 
would end up with an inconsistency in the map data and no arbitration rule to 
resolve it.

On 18 July 2017 10:15:38 CEST, Andy Robinson <> wrote:
>I came up with a simple solution for road sign differences very early
>on in my mapping. I only map the name I see first J . Generally I
>ignore the sign at the other end of a street unless there has been a
>complete name change.
>From: Colin Smale [] 
>Sent: 17 July 2017 18:32
>Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] An old chestnut - looking for clarity for road
>names beginning "St ..."
>Agreed, however I don't think we should be fussy about minor
>typographic differences like apostrophes or full stops. There are often
>variations at this level from sign to sign. If one bit is signed "St."
>and another bit of the same road is signed "St" I think we should use a
>single style for the whole road, taking it from the longest length. We
>can never determine where the transition should go, and it is the same
>road after all, so consistency is good.
>On 17 July 2017 18:35:07 CEST, Andy Robinson <>
>We should be applying the on the ground rule of verification. As in, if
>looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then there is a better than
>average chance it is a duck. So if the road sign, church sign or
>whatever says Saint or St. etc then best to stick to that so as not to
>offend just as many people as those who agree it’s wrong! 
>PS Other deities are available
>From: Stuart Reynolds [] 
>Sent: 17 July 2017 13:45
>To: Talk GB
>Subject: [Talk-GB] An old chestnut - looking for clarity for road names
>beginning "St ..."
>Hi All, 
>I have read and re-read all of the guidance and local rules relating to
>the use of abbreviations where it would be wrong to expand “St” into
>“Saint”. It is quite clear that, for the UK, “Saint Ives” is wrong,
>whereas “St Ives” is correct. There is also one page where I have found
>“St Mary’s Church” is correct, but “Saint Mary’s Church” is wrong. All
>of this I agree with.
>The question I want to clarify is the use of “Saint” in street names. I
>think that is similarly clear that e.g. “St Nicholas Road” (with the
>full expansion of “road”!) is correct, and “Saint Nicholas Road” isn’t.
>But since the small handful that I initially came across in Great
>Yarmouth were last edited by an experienced OSMer (Rob Whittaker), I
>thought that it was better to check with the community than just change
>A not-so-quick Overpass query (using a map which contained the whole of
>the UK, and hence Ireland and a bit of Belgium) tells me that there are
>10,324 ways which are named “Saint *” which potentially need changing
>if we agree that “St *” is correct.
>By contrast there are 26,559 ways that are named “St *”, and a further
>7,252 that are named “St. *”.
>Stuart Reynolds
>for traveline south east & anglia
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