After over 2 years and two interventions from the Information
Commissioner, Warwickshire County Council have finally backed down and
agreed to release their Right of Way GIS data under the Open
Government Licence -- so we'll shortly be able to use it in OSM.

(Their email to
got blocked by WDTK's anti-spam policy to automatically lock inactive
threads, but hopefully it will get there soon with some updated data

I'd like to get this data added to my tool at but their PRoW numbering
scheme is a bit unusual. Rather then basing the RoW numbers on
parishes, they seem to be using larger areas, which are each assigned
a one or two letter code. I think these are based on the pre-1974
system of boroughs and rural districts:

AE - Atherstone
AL - Alcester
B - Bedworth
K - Kenilworth
L - Leamington
M - Meriden
N - Nuneaton
R - Rugby (rural)
RB - Rugby Borough
SB - Stratford Borough
SD - Stratford (rural) District
SM - Southam
SS - Shipston on Stour
T - Tamworth (rural)
W - Warwick (rural)
WB - Warwick Borough

The RoW numbers are then things like "SB34" and "R28a". Some numbers
in this format are already in OSM south-east of Southam.

As far as my tool goes, I think I'll need to treat these areas as the
"parishes". I don't suppose anyone has any more detailed knowledge of
the RoW system in Warwickshire and would be able to comment?


PS: To contrast with the good news here, East Riding of Yorkshire is
being decidedly unhelpful at
, although they'll need to drag their feet for some time to beat

Robert Whittaker

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