I wish to add my own pennies’ worth from a walker’s and mapper’s perspective on 
three matters:
1. The portrayal of barriers: we know kissing gates are not rendered in OSM but 
are rendered in Andy Townsend’s map.  In neither case, though, do barriers 
stand out strongly enough, in my opinion.  I created coloured images of a gate, 
kissing gate and stile for use with my Garmin eTrex Legend many years ago for 
this reason.  I continue to use them now in Locus Map on my smartphone.  I wish 
more attention would be applied; to place an appropriate image within a square, 
even, so that they are more visible.
2. Permissive paths: I do not understand “permissive paths need showing; Andy's 
cartography does not yet do this but again this is something I have experience 
with.”  Woodhouse Farm in Ipsden, South Oxfordshire has provided a permissive 
footpath and permissive bridleways.  Both are shown on Andy’s map 
 the footpath is overlaid with a pink dashed line and the bridleway is shown as 
others, simply.  I wonder what is the intention so far as permissive paths are 
concerned?  Woodhouse Farm has done walkers and horse riders a tremendous 
service by making these paths available.  The alternative PRoW route would have 
to be through woodland, obscuring otherwise beautiful views, which we can enjoy 
so much now.
3. Writing of beautiful views, my final item concerns scenic paths:  I have 
commented elsewhere that I wish paths with scenic views could be treated like 
the road atlases I remember where a green ribbon was placed alongside such 
roads.  I have been unaware that “description” tags have been used in OSM in 
the same way.  I wonder, though, what purpose such a tag achieves, or could 

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