On 11/02/17 10:32, David Woolley wrote:
On 31/10/17 19:04, Bob Hawkins wrote:
2. Permissive paths: I do not understand “/permissive paths need showing/

I hope this means distinguishing from public ones, rather than that they are currently not rendered!

They'll currently appear like the top "undesignated" row at:


(that legend's at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style-legend BTW - it's just some data pretending to be in the middle of Australia).

I'd encourage anyone who wants to see how things look to just have a go with changing the rendering (colours, dashes instead of dots or whatever) and seeing what works and what doesn't.   Nick's changed the rendering of bridleways in the OSM UK rendering to be closer to the OS's dashed rendering, but obviously that has knock-on effects elsewhere, and it's often easier to show a screenshot of the effect of a change rather than try to describe it.

Best Regards,


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