also shows Welsh names in Welsh-speaking parts of Wales (using a .poly from Jerry, actually), but that's really a solution to a different problem (described at ).

On 15/11/2017 15:24, SK53 wrote:
I heartily agree that both english & welsh names need to be shown side by side, for this reason can I suggest that when editing names to add a Welsh name if the existing name is English (London Road for instance) also add a name:en tag. If we can work just with name:cy & name:en tags in rendering we can achieve a lot more.

"Displaying side by side" (perhaps one bracketed after the other) is very doable in lua; is an example of that in another context.

The basic overlay idea works for street & place names (and one can offset welsh language names in one direction and english names in the opposite ones. Finding colours which dont create conflicts and legibility issues is another thing. I'll see if I can fish out an example from my carto rendering experiments.

I suspect that an overlay may not be the way to go (if possible) because you won't get collision avoidance between the overlay and the main map*.  Here's an example of that: those two names apply to the same bit of track but Mapnik's clever enough to ensure there's no clash.

Best Regards,


* although maybe having the overlay also containing every other piece of text, but in "transparent on a transparent background", may work!

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