Forgot to add:

Elsewhere, someone suggested using kiln=bottle_kiln and building=industrial
instead of building=bottle_kiln. Any thoughts?


On 6 April 2018 at 07:38, Russ Phillips <>

> Right, I'm now thinking I'll tag as:
> building=bottle_kiln
> kiln=pottery
> disused:man_made=kiln
> former_product=pottery
> historic=kiln
> and add tourism=museum where appropriate.
> Ideally
> I'd have the building as a way.
> Then the kiln as a node with the product.
> This allows the building to remain 'intact' while the kiln could go
> disused to abandoned depending on how bad it is.
> I note that the kiln requires more than the building, for example heat
> proofing, venting.
> Most of the bottle kilns in Stoke-on-Trent are stand-alone brick
> structures, and the whole building is the kiln. They were filled with
> pottery, the doorway was bricked up, and fires were lit at the bottom.
> However, this brings up a related point. Some bottle kilns are inside
> another building (eg the one at Moorcroft:
> com/photos/83551695@N00/4794476050/) How would I map those? I'm guessing
> I'd have two ways - one for the outer building, and one for the bottle
> kiln, with a relation to tie them together. If so, what type of relation
> should I use?
> Thanks for all the help and advice.
> Russ
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