So here’s a question.

As the A1 passes Sandy in Central Bedfordshire, and further south, the road has 
local road names. For example, it is London Road past Sandy, and High Road as 
it passes Beeston to the south of Sandy. These names are verifiable from other 
sources, and while I note that these are DEFRA’s OS-derived MAGIC map, and 
Google, I am only using these to confirm data that I have been given in other 
contexts. OSM here, though, has “Great North Road”. This is _not_ the name of 
the road. It is more of a colloquial name for the entire A1 than anything 
official … although it is still recognised as a name.

So how should I tag this? I want to have the correct name for the sections of 
A1, yet I don’t know how far these extend (my data lists the street names at 
points, not over lengths), and equally I don’t want to lose the Great North 
Road tag - just to demote it.



Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

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