> The description of barrier=cycle_barrier in the wiki looks like
> it might be what you need, combined with appropriate access tags.

> I'd say that's a cycle barrier - the intention would be to allow
> pedestrians to pass, force cyclists to dismount

Thanks for the suggestions.

For cycle_barrier the wiki says "barriers positioned along paths, footways, cycleways or tracks".

In this case it is none of those ways, it is a full width road with vehicle access to both sides. But one side is private access and the other is public access (from the other ends).

I believe this barrier has been erected by the residents of the private road, rather than the local authority. It's not clear what it achieves which a conventional row of bollards would not.

Here's the Google streetview:


(I haven't mapped it from Google, I actually walked through it yesterday. :) )

As you can see, it has been rendered totally ineffective for other than motor vehicles by users pushing past one end. How do we map that?



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