On 07/09/2018 12:51, Chris Hill wrote:
One place to look is OS Open Names. That has place names listed with a category of populated place that seems to be hamlet, village, town or suburban area. That lists Wickham Market as a town.

That seems to be going solely by size, and is used to indicate how the name is displayed on OS maps. I'm not sure it's necessarily valuable in other contexts.

Wikipedia, on the other hand, says it is a large village.

The parish council website sits on the fence and calls it a 'thriving community'.

It has a dropdown link for "Our Village" at the top. But, interestingly, that gives some of the history which indicates that it was once considered a town - it had a charter market, and two charter fairs, but these have since lapsed. So that may be the root cause of the disagreement in this case - there may be people who think that the past is more important than the current situation (see also, historic counties!).

Legally, it's definitely not a town as it has a parish council, not a town council.

I'd plump for townage or maybe villown.

Or, maybe, just "place" :-)


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